Turn an idea, fact, or concept into a song and it is easier to remember! MeSongs are created to address functional acadamic and living skills needs such as remembering a phone number or address, learning how to spell your name, etc. MeSongs can help people of all ages, from toddler/preschoolers with preacademic needs to geriatric patients with memory care needs.
MeSongs can teach the following concepts, customized to the individual's specific needs:
- Spelling of a name - Address - Phone Number - How to answer questions (e.g. "What's your name?" or "How are you?") aka Pragmatic skills - Steps to perform a task - Names of family members - Academic concepts in a classroom
...the possibilities are endless!!!
Why are these songs SPECIAL?
- All songs are composed by a Board Certified- Music Therapist, University-trained and educated to understand how children/people learn through music and whom also has a minor degree in Speech & Language Pathology.
-The songs utilize repetition and both a melodic and chordal structure that prompts the brain to respond to the songs.
-The recordings are not "cluttered" with sound effects, extra instruments, etc. so the listener can focus on the simple lyrics- and LEARN!
-The sung rhythm of the words in the lyrics are the same rhythms (aka "prosody") used when speaking (one note per syllable, accentuation/stress in correct part of the word, etc.)
MeSongs can be used by parents, teachers, care providers, nurses, speech-language pathologists, etc.
The songs are individually composed by a Board Certified-Music Therapist.
For children & adults with special needs, a music therapy consultation may be required in order for learning style, musical preference, and language skill level to be assessed. However, the MeSongs composition will be included in cost of consultation.
Visit our MeSongs Prices & Ordering Page HERE!